Monday, October 14, 2013

Symmetry and Leaf Memory!

Today in math we learned the words, "symmetry" and "lines of symmetry." A symmetrical object can be divided in half and look the same on both sides! We used tape to draw lines of symmetry down some of our friends! Some of their outfits were not the exact same on both sides. If we had drawn our line of symmetry across their belly, it definitely wouldn't have been been symmetrical! We determined that squares and rectangles have four lines of symmetry and a circle has MANY lines of symmetry!

This afternoon we created a leaf silhouette memory game! We've been talking about the edge, point, and veins we see in leaves. We had to match the size and outline of the leaf to its silhouette to make a match!

Stay tuned for my symmetry tomorrow!

Ms. Conlee

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