Monday, October 21, 2013

Addition, Estimation, and Social Studies!

We have been working hard to understand addition! Last week we discovered we can read and write sentences using numbers! We counted the number of polka-dots on each ladybug wing then added all the polka-dots to figure out how many polka-dots there were altogether. 

We've also been practicing our estimation skills. With a partner, we placed between 5 and 35 blocks in a bag. Our partner, who wasn't looking, had to make a smart estimate just by looking at the bag. Together, we counted to find out the true number of blocks in the bag.

Today in social studies we talked about how each one of us are different, including what we look like and our families. We each have things or people we care about and are special to us. We built a graph using ourselves and a yellow string so we could see some of our similarities and differences from our friends.

Right side: Friends with only one kid at their house.
Left side: Friends with more than one kid at their house. 

Thanks for a great day!
Ms. Conlee

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