Monday, October 7, 2013

Number boards, picnics, verbs, stories, and trees!

During math we built "number boards." Number boards are much like a graph. We used stickers to show number quantities. Afterwards we noted that each row grew by one sticker, making it look like stairs!

We also filled our class compliment jar this morning! We voted to celebrate with a picnic lunch outside! We may have also enjoyed Rice Krispies Treats.......

This week we are continuing our learning about verbs, or words that show action! Every time we rolled the dice, we had to demonstrate the corresponding action.


We are also learning how to write our OWN stories! Today we wrote a story as a class! First we generated our ideas. Next we wrote the story. Last we checked to make sure our illustrations matched our words.

We began our exploration of leaves during science today! We learned the following vocabulary words: 

Thanks for a marvelous Monday!
Ms. Conlee

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