Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

We had a very fun Halloween day in kindergarten! This morning we had "three spooky stations" and this afternoon we celebrated with a Halloween parade and party!

Happy Halloween!
Ms. Conlee

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Jack-O-Lanterns and Spiders!

Today we estimated the circumference of our pumpkin, or the length all the way around our pumpkin. We cut string with our best estimate. We also built a block tower to estimate the height of our pumpkin. After estimating, we compared our circumference and height to the actual pumpkin. So many of us were very close!

We read three different books about spiders today and made spider hats with eight legs!

Our ballot results from yesterday told us that triangle eyes, nose, and a jack-o-lantern smile had the most votes for our classroom pumpkin carving! After cutting the pumpkin open, we got to see, smell, and feel the insides! They were very slimy!

Don't forget your costume for our Halloween parade!
Ms. Conlee

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Surveys, Ballots, and Pumpkins!

Today we learned the word survey, or a question that is asked to a big group of people to learn what most people may like or not like. Next, we generated our own question with three possible answers. The survey we practiced together asked: What is your favorite part of Halloween? Costumes, carving pumpkins, or trick-or-treating? After surveying each friend in our class, we learned that most of our friends REALLY enjoy trick-or-treating!

We also learned that voting is another way to gather information. Most adults vote using a ballot. We also discussed how voting is a very private choice. Today we completed a ballot vote on the shape of eyes, nose, and mouth we want to carve into our class pumpkin! The results have been tallied! Stay tuned to find out how our jack-o-lantern turns out tomorrow!

Thanks for a great day!
Ms. Conlee

Monday, October 28, 2013

Math games and fall fun!

We have been working really hard to identify numbers 0-100. Today we played one of my favorite games! We took turns blindfolding a friend who had to select one number on the 100's chart. They then asked yes or no questions about the number such as: 

  • Is it more than 50?
  • Is there a 7 in the number?
  • Is it in the 80's?

The friend used their clues to narrow down the numbers until they guessed it correctly!

This afternoon we began talking about the season of fall! One of my favorite animals LOVES the season of fall. We built owls with lots of different shapes and types of materials. Tomorrow we will complete a fall writing piece to go with our owls. Together, they will adorn our hallway. You'll have to check them out when you visit for our Halloween party or Parent-Teacher Conferences!

Hoot Hoot Hooray for a great day!
Ms. Conlee

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Word building and sculpture hats!

We have been hard at work using our letter sound knowledge to build short a words such as cap, tag, ham, and tan. First we pat our arm for each sound we hear in the word, then we build the word, check the sounds, and read the whole word.

 Today in art class, we learned about sculptures! We talked about how sculptures are not flat, they are interesting from every side, or 3-dimensional. Students shared that sculptures can be made from snow, sand, rocks, bricks, cement, and clay. We loved creating our sculpture hats! A huge thank you to Mrs. Hildebrand for making art class so much fun!

Thanks for a great day!
Ms. Conlee

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Noodle Necklaces!

This week our Alphafriend is "Nyle Noodle" which reminds us of the letter Nn! Today during math we created patterned noodle necklaces. 

Some of us may have put the necklace too close to our mouth and received a colored mustache as a result!

See you tomorrow!

Ms. Conlee

Monday, October 21, 2013

Addition, Estimation, and Social Studies!

We have been working hard to understand addition! Last week we discovered we can read and write sentences using numbers! We counted the number of polka-dots on each ladybug wing then added all the polka-dots to figure out how many polka-dots there were altogether. 

We've also been practicing our estimation skills. With a partner, we placed between 5 and 35 blocks in a bag. Our partner, who wasn't looking, had to make a smart estimate just by looking at the bag. Together, we counted to find out the true number of blocks in the bag.

Today in social studies we talked about how each one of us are different, including what we look like and our families. We each have things or people we care about and are special to us. We built a graph using ourselves and a yellow string so we could see some of our similarities and differences from our friends.

Right side: Friends with only one kid at their house.
Left side: Friends with more than one kid at their house. 

Thanks for a great day!
Ms. Conlee

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Symmetry and Pumpkin Patch Field Trip!

Today we continued our learning of "symmetry!" We painted a picture on one side of the paper, folded it in half, and flattened the picture so the picture would be symmetrical, or the same on both sides of the paper!

We had a fabulous trip to Colony's Pumpkin Patch today!

Mrs. Colony taught us how pumpkins grow and their different parts! They have hair and fingers just like us!

Pumpkins grow on a vine!

It was so fun to walk through the pumpkin patch and see so many pumpkins! We found many that were different colors, shapes, and sizes!

A huge thank you to Colony's Pumpkin Patch for hosting our field trip today! An extra big thank you to all of the adults who joined us!


Ms. Conlee