Friday, January 31, 2014

Raft Game, Welcome to February, and Washing Fabric!

Yesterday we played the "raft game" which practices the concept of making an exchange. Each turn you rolled the dice and took the corresponding number of beans. With five beans you could make an exchange for one plank. It took seven planks to purchase a raft. The person in our class the with most rafts and planks at the end of the game, won! This was a well loved game we will play again!

Today we opened the January weather predictions we wrote back in December. Many of us were correct and predicted that we would have the most sunny and cloudy days in January.

We also created our February calendars today!

This afternoon we brainstormed how we could best get the stains out of our white fabric which was covered in mustard, BBQ sauce, strawberry jelly, and Ketchup! First we scrubbed them with brushes and water. Next, we added laundry soap to the water. We found that mustard was the most difficult stain and didn't completely come out of our fabric.

Have a great weekend!
Ms. Conlee

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