Monday, November 11, 2013

The train game and our first snow!

Today we learned the "growing and disappearing train game" in math! The tools we needed included a dice with numbers 1, 2, and 3 on the faces and a pile of blocks. For the growing train game, each partner took a turn rolling the dice and adding the corresponding number of blocks to their train. The first partner to get a train of 20 won the game! The disappearing train game was the opposite! We began with 20 blocks, rolled the dice, and eliminated the corresponding number of blocks. The first partner to zero won!

This afternoon was a point of no return with our excitement of our first snow to stick to the ground! Many of us forgot to bring a coat to school today - and certainly weren't thinking we would need our snow pants!

Catching snow flakes!

See you tomorrow!
Ms. Conlee

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