Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Ice Cream Celebration and Wood Exploration!

Yesterday we filled our class compliment jar and voted to celebrate with an "ice cream party!" It was delicious!

This week we started our wood and paper science unit. Today we experimented to see what happens to wood when we add water to different types of wood. We found that the color and weight of the wood change. We also discovered that water can be used to hold pieces of wood together, although it doesn't make them very sturdy.

Thanks for a great day!

Ms. Conlee

Monday, April 7, 2014

Research Projects with Third Grade Buddies!

Last week we each chose a topic for an animal research project. We recorded several questions of what we wondered and wanted to learn about our topic. Today we partnered with Ms. Bell's third grade classroom to research about our animal and record answers to our questions. 

We will continue to work with our buddies to type our animal facts and match them to a photograph of our animal!

See you tomorrow!
Ms. Conlee

Thursday, April 3, 2014

April Showers and May Flowers

It's hard to believe we are welcoming the month of April! We have been busy creating April calendars and planting sunflower seeds in connection with the books we've been reading. We learned that they may begin to sprout in 5-10 days. We will keep a close eye as we await for them to grow!

See you tomorrow!
Ms. Conlee

Friday, March 28, 2014

Our Neighborhoods!

This week we talked about the different things we find in a neighborhood and a community. As a table team, we collaborated to create our very own neighborhood. There was a list of things we all agreed we would include and a lot of extra space to add things our teams thought were additional good ideas. 

Thanks for a great week!
Ms. Conlee

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Creating Neighborhoods

During Social Studies we have been discussing the various things that make up a neighborhood. After creating a list, our table group teams have been cooperating to create their very own neighborhood. There are several things our neighborhoods must include: 

  • houses
  • roads
  • stop signs
  • pond
  • park
  • school
  • grass
  • sidewalks
  • two restaurants
  • one grocery store
  • three fire hydrants 

So far we have placed the houses in our neighborhood and will continue to add the remaining items. 

Thanks for a great day!
Ms. Conlee

Friday, March 14, 2014

Creations and Cooperation!

Today we created 2-D and 3-D shapes using toothpicks and marshmallows! We had some very creative designs!

 This afternoon we worked on our team building and cooperation skills. We had one boy team and one girl team, competing to see who could create the tallest tower of cups in one minute. It took a lot of talking and team work to achieve our goal. After several rounds, our record came from the boys with a tower 7 cups tall!

Have a wonderful spring break!
Ms. Conlee

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Maps, Maps, Maps!

This week we have been learning about different kinds of maps. We first worked together to create a map of our classroom, adding details to create a picture of just how many things there are around our room. 

Yesterday we learned how to read a treasure map. This is a map telling us where the treasure was located in our classroom. It took us a little while to figure out where the map was leading us, but we eventually found treasure of Hershey Kisses and juice boxes!

Keep up the great work!
Ms. Conlee