Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

This morning we sorted, tallied, and graphed candy hearts!

We had a lot of fun at our Valentine's Day party through a whirl-wind of Valentine's and sugar!

We also had a heart stacking contest!

Have a great weekend!
Ms. Conlee

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Class Store and Valentine Monsters!

Today we learned how to count combinations of nickels and pennies! Our class store opened once again, selling many different things that we had to purchase with the correct amount of change. 

We also created our Valentines Day monster bags which we will use to collect all of our Valentines tomorrow.

We are getting very excited for our party tomorrow afternoon!

See you tomorrow!
Ms. Conlee

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cones and Fabric Coats!

This week we have learned the names for 3-dimensional shapes! Today we were challenged to turn a flat piece of paper into a cone. We know that cones have one point, round sides, and a circle bottom. The challenge was hard, but with some great teamwork, we turned our paper into a 3-dimensional object!

This afternoon we read The Jackt I Wear In The Snow by Shirley Neitzel. In the story the little boy puts on many layers of clothing to play in the snow.

We then began building our own snow suites using many different types and colors of fabric!

Thanks for a great day!
Ms. Conlee

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Surveys, Letters, and Fabric Pictures

This week we learned how to give a survey to our friends and calculate the results. Many friends asked questions about our favorite places for vacation, our favorite colors, favorite sports teams, and favorite foods. We shared the survey results with our class and learned a lot about the things our class loves the most!

On Tuesday, Ms. Kirchner visited our classroom as a guest speaker for Junior Achievement. She will join us each Tuesday afternoon for a series of lessons about counting, saving, and using money to make a purchase.

This week we have learned how to write a friendly letter. They begin with a greeting, usually say something nice or ask a question, and end with your name. Each of us drew a friend's name and wrote them a letter.

 Dear Emily,
You are a great friend. What is your favorite food? What is your favorite color? What do you like to play? What is your favorite thing about kindergarten?

Yesterday we also began creating a picture using fabric. We have so many creative ideas using different types of fabric of many different colors.

See you tomorrow!
Ms. Conlee

Monday, February 3, 2014

We Are 100 Days Smarter!

We are officially 100 days smarter! We began our day with a "100 breakfast!"

We sorted our collections into ten groups of ten and counted everyone's collections!

We played a "100 dice tally race!" With a partner, we rolled a dice and recorded the corresponding number of tally marks. The first partner to get to 100 tally marks won the game!

We had a contest to see how many things we could do in 100 seconds: 
  • how many times can we jump rope
  • how many steps can we take 
  • how many words can we write
We also wrote books about the number 100!

Happy 100th day of school!
Ms. Conlee